Instructions for the wife / partner of our 7:30 patient
While it's possible a different time will be given on the day of the surgery, you should plan to be back at the office no later than 8:45am. This way you will be here in time to hear the post operative instructions. Typically our front desk nurse will not arrive until after the surgery is complete, so we will give you a key to the front door. You can come and go as you wish, but please do not unlock the door from the inside. It's unlikely to happen, but we wouldn't want you to have to act as our receptionist if someone comes to the office.
If you are willing, there are some things you can do which will make things easier for the patient after the surgery and speed your return home, especially if you are from out of town. It is typically easier to walk than to drive because the distances are short and the turns are often limited. See the addresses below to input into your phone if you would prefer to drive or want live walking instructions.
If you brought frozen peas or chemical ice packs with you, please skip ahead to part 2.
1) The best place to buy the frozen peas is Schnucks Market 6600 Clayton Road, Clayton, MO 63117. This is approximately a 3 minute walk EAST on Clayton road from our office. Go to the first floor, exit the elevators and turn left and you'll be facing Clayton Road. You'll turn right and pass Panera / St. Louis Bread Co, then a movie theater, then you'll see a big grocery store mall. You should buy a few bags of peas as well as some ibuprofen.
When you leave Schnucks, start walking back the way you came on Clayton Road and you'll see a crosswalk in front of the movie theater. Use that to cross the street and that will take you to Walgreens (6733 Clayton Road, Clayton, MO 63117). The pharmacy inside Walgreens opens at 8am. Please time yourself and plan to be there at 7:55 or so. See Part 3 below.
2) If you brought frozen peas or chemical ice packs and ibuprofen with you, you'll want to go to Walgreens to fill (or start to fill) the prescription for pain medicine. Go to the first floor of the building, turn left and when you get to the street you'll be right next to the crosswalk. The pharmacy opens at 8am, so plan to be there at 7:55 to get in line.
3) At Walgreens, they will often fill the prescription in 10-15 minutes if you tell them you are waiting. If that's the case, it would be best to wait for the prescription. If they are running behind and say it will be an hour, tell them you are going to wait but you can come back to the office and go to pick it up after we are done. He will NOT need the prescription immediately after the surgery so it's not urgent that it is available when we are done.
4) After you have filled the prescription or dropped the prescription off to be filled, you can return to the office to wait, sit in your car, or wait at Panera / St. Louis Bread Co next door. You do NOT need to wait in the waiting room if you'd prefer not to. We will have him text you when we are finished with the first side and it's possible for him to adjust the time to return. If he says it is taking longer, it is NOT cause for alarm. This is common and is meaningless in regards to the success of the surgery. Sometimes it just takes longer.
5) When you return to the office, please return the key to the front counter.
6) Walking directions to Schnucks Walking directions to Walgreens