I was born and raised in St Louis. After graduating from St. Louis University High school, I traveled to Texas for college. I completed my undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering at Rice University in Houston and attended medical school at Washington University in St Louis.I completed my residency at St. Johns Mercy Medical Center in 2000.I was first exposed to vasectomy reversals while working with Dr. Cary Leverett, a skilled micro-surgeon and mentor in south Texas. This interest led me to the Cleveland Clinic where I completed a course in microsurgery in anticipation of opening my own microsurgical practice of vasectomy reversals. My wife Kathy and I have been married since 1998.God has blessed our marriage with each of our six children.After our fourth child, we chose to have a vasectomy. Almost 5 years later, we answered the call to have more children and made the difficult decision to have a vasectomy reversal. Our reversal was a success and we have been blessed greatly with our daughter Mary Grace Catherine and our son Augustine Gary. They have brought our family incredible joy. The older kids can't imagine their lives without them. Our marriage and faith were deeply strengthened through our sterilization reversal journey. It has been a privilege for us to meet our patients that are on a similar journey and help them along the way.
Vasectomy is one of the most common elective surgeries in our country, with an estimated 750,000 surgeries per year.From 5%-10% of those men will change their minds although only a handful can afford to surgically re-establish their fertility.It is my calling and ministry to offer vasectomy reversals at a reasonable price for all families who feel called to have more children.
Operating on Medical Mission trip in Mexico
Dr. Sommers at the microscope. Courtesy Lisa Johnston - St. Louis Review